Welspun Living Inititavies in Envoirment Social & Governance
Vision 2045

About Sustainable Loom of The World Documentary Film

Welspun Living Limited joins the conversation under the Reuters VISION 2045 initiative by proudly presenting “The Sustainable Loom of The World,” a groundbreaking documentary film. This film highlights Welspun Living’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, showcasing our innovative practices and dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of the UN’s centennial celebrations, this documentary emphasizes our role in creating a sustainable future through transformative home solutions. Join us in this inspiring journey and witness how Welspun Living Limited is setting a global standard for sustainability.

Zero Fresh Water Consumption
fresh water

consumption at Anjar

Green Power Capacity
58.5 MW

Of Installed Green Power
Capacity at WLL
by current year end

Sustainable Cotton
Over 80%

of Cotton Used is
Sustainable Cotton

Emission Reduction
20% GHG

emissions reduction
since FY21

Sustainable Loom